Education Links

Attendance & Punctuality


The school sets aspirational targets of at least 90% attendance and 100% punctuality for all students.  For those with extremely low attendance on referral the expectation is that they will steadily improve towards these targets, and are supported to do so.  Parents and carers have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school, and this policy supports families in that responsibility by aiming to reduce persistent absence, and discouraging term time holidays.


By attending fully students maximise their chances of achieving accreditation that will enable to progress to the further education of their choice, and hence to take their place with their peers.  For those returning to mainstream schools re-integration will be more successful if good routines are embedded.  By working in partnership with parents/carers, referring schools, the local authority and other agencies we secure the best outcomes for young people and ensure their safety and wellbeing.